Confrence Schedule
09:45 – 10:00 Opening Remark
Joyce C.H. Liu (劉紀蕙) | Professor, Director of the International Center for Cultural Studies at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心主任、教授)
CJD Team Members: Qi Li(Editor-in-Chief), Grace S. P. Ying(Editor-in-Chief), Aubrey Kandelila Fanani, Hanh T. L. Nguyen, Katarzyna Szpargala, Lungani Hlongwa, Muhammad Irfan, Po Yee Ip, Sophie Man Yee Kwok
10:00 – 12:30 Panel 1: Media and Representations of Migrants and Refugees
*家庭錄像與意識形態:論梁英姬《親愛的平壤》和《雞湯與意識形態》中在日朝鮮家庭的離散與認同 Home Movie and Ideology: On the Korean Diaspora and Identity in Japan in Yang Yonghi’s Dear Pyongyang and Soup and Ideology
Presenter: Kuan-Wei HUANG (黃冠維) | PhD Student, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (國立臺灣大學外文所博士生)
Discussant: Lawrence Zi-Qiao YANG (楊子樵) | Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授)
*(不)可能的主人和客人:錦姬和張律作品中的脫北者再現和納己悅理的倫理 (Im)possible host and guest – Representation of North Korean defectors and the ethics of hostibility in Geum-hee’s novel
Presenter: 許景雅 | PhD Student, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Yonsei University, Korea (韓國延世大學國語國文學系博士生)
Discussant: Jacky Yuen-Hung TAI (戴遠雄) | Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (國立中山大學哲學研究所助理教授)
本文透過分析朝鮮族作家錦姬(1979-)的小說〈玉花〉(2014)和朝鮮族導演張律(1962-)的藝術電影〈圖滿江〉(2011),企圖用更具歷史、脈絡式、情境式的背景來重新思考既有的德希達的納己悅理的理論。朝鮮族作家錦姬和導演張律的這兩部作品對脫北者的書寫不只是提供了橫貫南/北韓和中國等地的跨國視野,更重要的是他們皆以朝鮮族這特殊社會身分的位置來看待脫北者的境遇。這使得我們得以跳脫既往的南韓式的單一國族主義式的方法,來重新審視脫北者的問題。特別這兩個作品皆以「南韓」、「朝鮮族」、「北韓」這同一民族,卻又因不同國籍所產生的重層錯雜的權力關係中捕捉脫北者的樣貌。在這過程中,他們也將脫北者的問題與當代朝鮮族所面臨的的問題並置,而這樣的問題意識又與新自由主義時代的眾多移居勞工和難民產生連結,使得脫北者的問題不只局限於單純的特定主體,而更具普遍性的意義。 另一方面,這兩個作家的作品並不單純以「自我」、「他者」的對象化的方式來敘述脫北者。反而是透過與脫北者這既親密又陌生的主體之間的互動關係來使作品中的主角進行自我反省。透過這樣的敘事手法,這兩部作品皆跳脫了以往自我中心式的封閉觀點,而進一步提供了對他者進行自我開放的契機。總而言之,這兩部作品並非單純只是單一「對脫北者的觀察和描寫」,而是透過朝鮮族和脫北者相遇所產生的相互關係來進行一種自我省察式的書寫。透過分析這兩部作品,本文企圖對既有的德希達的納己悅理的倫理的(不)可能性進行更進步的思考。
關鍵詞:脫北者 朝鮮族 自我省察 德希達 納己悅理
Cruising Queer Diaspora: Fan Popo’s Berlin Filmmaking
Presenter: Ke Zhu | Master’s Student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Discussant: Lawrence Zi-Qiao YANG (楊子樵) | Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授)
‘Borders are closed, it’s even more powerful to show stories.’ Since 2019, Chinese queer filmmakers have been on the move. The pandemic set borders closed, but reopen a moment with the transnational diaspora of queer cinema. In this paper, I interrogate the newfound cinematic diaspora with a case study of queer filmmaker Fan Popo, notably his feature films made in his Berlin residency since 2017, including Beer! Beer! (2019) , Hotpot 3-way(2022) and Wengen Hegel(2023). I argue that the Berlin-made works mark a remarkable shift from Fan’s previous works with emerging story narratives and aesthetics. First, the transition from documentary to fiction stand distinct in Fan’s filmography. Second, imaginaries ranging from Asia racism, food materiality and social media platforms narrate a newfound storytelling and film aesthetics. Finally, drawing on Trans-Asia as method and my interviews with Fan, I show how Fan’s Berlin filmmaking opens possibilities of mapping Chinese queer cinema beyond the Inter-Asia framework but towards a transnational mobility. Fan’s resilient practice from China to Berlin exemplifies how queer cinema can refresh the concept of ‘relational comparison’ to ‘decouple the trans from the national’ (de Kloet et al., 2019, 52).
Keywords: Fan Popo, China, Queer Studies, Documentary Films, Trans-Asia
Troubling the Transpacific: Vietnam, Hawai‘i, and Cold War Militarism
Presenter: Ding-Liang CHEN (陳定良) | PhD Student, Combined Program in American Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Yale University, USA
Discussant: Jacky Yuen-Hung TAI (戴遠雄) | Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (國立中山大學哲學研究所助理教授)
Since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, around 800,000 people have been forced to seek asylum in Southeast Asia, Oceania, North America, and other parts of the world. This massive refugee migration has stimulated generations of writers, artists, and scholars to reframe Vietnam War memories and archives by unsettling the lingering American imperial presence. One of the noticeable approaches might be categorized as “the transpacific,” which aims to trace diverse routes of refugee displacement and critique the American imperial apparatuses across the militarized waters. Among these transpacific inquiries into the Vietnam War, however, one might be surprised to realize how a Pacific Islander standpoint has remained tangential to critical attention. Joining a bourgeoning scholarship that troubles the transpacific as a methodological framework, this essay aims to articulate the intimacies between the Vietnam War and the Pacific Islands by investigating Elizabeth Nguyen’s 2022 novel Aloha Vietnam. While Aloha Vietnam incorporates parts of Nguyen’s own family history of settling in Hawai‘i after the Vietnam War, it is not simply a documentation of another cartography of refugee resettlement. Instead, this essay argues that Nguyen’s foregrounding of Vietnam and Hawai‘i invites a productive insight into the peculiar connection between the American military intervention in Southeast Asia during the Cold War and the American settler colonialism in the Pacific Islands. In situating Aloha Vietnam against these intersecting historical forces, this essay hopes to rethink the intricacies of refugee displacement, Cold War militarism, and the American imperial expansion across the Pacific.
Keywords: Vietnam War, refugee, Hawai‘i, Cold War, militarism
*內在邊界:當代藝術視野中的難民形象 Inner Borders: The Image of “Refugee” in Contemporary Art
Presenter: Che-Wei TSENG (曾哲偉) | Independent Arts Worker (獨立藝文工作者)
Discussant: Shih-chian HUNG (洪世謙) | Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (國立中山大學哲學研究所專任教授)
根據哲學家艾蒂安・巴禮巴(Étienne Balibar)的描述,「邊界(borders)」並不僅存於國境之間——對於不同族群、立場的個人而言,邊界並不具有相同的含義,甚至在不同情境下成為完全相異的實體。因此巴禮巴針對歷史中「邊界」一詞的歧義提出三項主要性質:過度決定(overdetermination)、多義性(polysemic character)與異質性(heterogeneity)。這些性質之間彼此互不相斥,而是共同揭露出邊界背後複雜、多重的歷史變因,有鑒於相關研究大多著重於人道救濟、物資援助等面向,相對缺乏對於邊界的形構條件,與隔閡狀態之探討。
本文擬以巴禮巴作為論述基礎,列舉藝術家沃迪奇科(Krzysztof Wodiczko)、薩爾塞多(Doris Salcedo)、卡德羅娃(Zhanna Kadyrova)、艾未未⋯⋯等相關作品案例,指出在傷慟展示、議題剝削所引發的倫理爭議之外,「難民」在當代藝術中的思辨情況,其媒介特性與再現方式,所提供予觀眾的共情感知。
12:30 – 12:45 Panel 1 Open-floor Discussion 現場問題與討論
12:45-14:00 Break
14:00 – 16:00 Panel 2 Realities of Migrants: Experience, Struggles, and Refugee’s Rights
Exploring the Issues of Child Soldiers and Forced Migration in the Democratic Republic of Congo Through Cathy Caruth’s Theory of Trauma
Presenter: Khonde Khonde Norbert | PhD Student, Comparative Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Paula Banerjee | Professor, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta
Sucharita Sengupta | Doctoral Scholar, Graduate Institute Of International and Developmental Studies, Geneva
Since its independence in 1960, the Democratic Republic of Congo has witnessed multiple forms of political unrest such as civil wars, child abuse, forced migration, etc. By focusing its reflection on the issues of Forced Migration and Child Soldiers, this paper intends to bring the experiences of the Congolese people to the forefront of world traumatic memories. It analyzes these issues through the lenses of Kim Nguyen’s dramatic film War Witch and Cathy Caruth’s theory of trauma. Nguyen’s main character Komona is a 12-year-old girl kidnapped by a group of rebels. She was taught how to use firearms and engage in various forms of immorality and violence. This research argues that War Witch reflects the current socio-political situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In her theory of trauma, Caruth claims that the traumatic experiences of others function as tools that enable us to make sense of our own struggles. The traumatic experiences of the Jews narrated by Freud in his book Moses and Monotheism are, as she puts it, the best illustrations that support this theory. Many cultures around the world view the traumatic history of the Jewish people as a key to understanding their own existential struggles. Caruth’s theory further asserts that traumatic experiences create links between cultures because we all partake in the same human condition. Like Jewish history, this research postulates the traumatic experiences of the Congolese people as an analytic tool that facilitates an understanding of the darkest moments of the human condition in general.
Keywords: Democratic Republic of Congo, Civil War, Forced Migration, Child Soldiers, Trauma.
Transnational Migration of Tibetan Women in Taiwan: Causes, Characteristics and Challenges
Presenter: Dolma Tsering | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Discussant: Mei-Lin PAN (潘美玲) | Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學人文社會學系教授)
The International Organization for Migration estimates that half of today’s migrant workers are women. Traditionally, women migrate for two reasons: conflict and family. The contemporary dynamics of women’s migration include escaping conflict and gender-based violence, and many women migrate to other countries for better work and education opportunities. In 2022, the Minister of Interior, in Taiwan released population data, which indicated that Taiwan is home to 7,99,699 immigrants. Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand are the primary countries of origin and the majority are female. What is missing from this list that many do not know is that Taiwan also has about 649 Tibetan immigrants and thirty percent of the population is female. Therefore, this study explores the transnational migration of Tibetan women in Taiwan. The primary objective of the paper is to investigate the migratory experiences of Tibetan women in Taiwan. Using both the field interviews and archival records of early Tibetan migrants, the paper examines the reasons and routes of migration. It also illuminates the challenges they face while transitioning from place of origin to destination and the challenges they encounter after arrival in Taiwan. It will also explore their strategy of adaptation and resilience journey and how migration has impacted their life. Lastly, it aims to contribute an original and new perspective on the transnational migration of women in Taiwan.
Keywords: Migration, Marriage, Opportunities, Conflict, Displacement
Diasporic Experience and the Economic Life of Syria’s Bedouin Tribes in Jordan
Presenter: Ching-Tai WU (吳青泰) | PhD Candidate, Department of Religious Studies, College of Social Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (輔仁大學宗教學系所博士候選人)
Discussant: Mei-Lin PAN (潘美玲) | Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學人文社會學系教授)
There are over a hundred unofficial Syrian Refugee camps around Mafraq city of Jordan. In this paper, I will focus on two Syrian Bedouin refugee tribes (al Ramla 42 families and al-Jamlan 53 families) which Jordan Tzu Chi foundation entered to provide assistance since 2018. Since these two Bedouin families could not stand the crowded life in the official refugee camp on their first arrival in Jordan, they quickly left from official refugee camps (some relatives still stay) and developed their unofficial refugee camps away from the cities. These two families’ tribes have been employed by the Jordanian tenant farmers in order to secure a living and often merge with other Bedouin tribes to form a new settlement area. I found that the Syrian Bedouin’s diasporic experience is full of flexibility in the nomadic thinking of contemporary Bedouin. Their strong ethnic cohesion encountered with Tzu Chi or other charitable foundations, further forming different overseas living imagination which is leading to their own new nomadic model and economic life. I expect that empirical studies of Syrian Bedouins’ diasporic experiences will also enrich and reflect upon our imaginations of forced migration.
Keywords: Syrian Bedouin tribes, Unofficial refugee camps, Diasporic experience, Economic life, New nomadic model
Making the Silences Heard: Voices of Rohingya Refugee Women
Presenter: Roshni Sharma | Assistant Professor, St. Joseph’s University, Bengaluru, India
Paula Banerjee | Professor, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta
Sucharita Sengupta | Doctoral Scholar, Graduate Institute Of International and Developmental Studies, Geneva
Gender determines power positions. Within the power structure, women have always been on the receiving end. With the intersectionality of gender and refugee identity, there is extreme marginalisation of women not only in the public domain but also within the private sphere. Being deprived of their basic rights at multiple levels – be it in family, or within the community, or in home and host country, they are subjected to male domination. Based on the voices of Rohingya refugee women seeking refuge in Bengaluru, India, this paper is attempts to look at how the Rohingya women are vulnerable and at the same time exercise their agency within the constricted spaces.
Keywords: refugee women, Rohingya, India, agency, silence, voices
16:00 – 16:15 Panel 2 Open-floor Discussion 現場問題與討論
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30 – 18:00 Panel 3 Policy, Law, and Migration
Rohingya Children in India: Access to Education and the Quest for a Better Future
Presenter: Monika Verma | PhD Graduate, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Discussant: Nasreen Chowdhory | Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi
This research endeavors to illuminate the educational challenges faced by Rohingya children living as refugees in India and their aspirations for a brighter future. The Rohingya community, displaced from Myanmar due to persecution, has sought refuge in India, where children encounter various barriers to accessing quality education. This study employs a qualitative approach to explore the nuanced factors affecting Rohingya children’s educational opportunities. The research delves into issues such as limited access to formal schooling, language barriers, and the impact of socio-economic conditions on their learning experiences. Additionally, the study investigates the role of community initiatives, NGOs, and governmental policies in shaping educational prospects for Rohingya children. By shedding light on these dynamics, the research aims to contribute insights that can inform targeted interventions and policy improvements to ensure inclusive and equitable access to education for Rohingya children, thereby fostering their quest for a better and more promising future.
Keywords: Rohingya children, access to education, community initiatives
馬來西亞政府難民政策的模糊策略 The Ambiguous Strategy of the Malaysian Government’s Refugee Policy *
Presenter: Shang-Min WANG (王尚旻) | Master’s Student, Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (國立政治大學外交學系碩士生)
Discussant: Dr. POR Heong Hong (傅向紅) | Lecturer, School of Social Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia
身土兩離何以安頓:圖博流亡經驗中的疾病與醫療 Floating Bodies: Disease and Treatment Experiences among Tibetan Exiles in India *
Presenter: Tsung-Yi CHIU (邱宗怡) | PhD Student, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Science, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所博士生)
Discussant: Yi-Ling HUNG (洪意凌) | Assistant Professor, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學社會學研究所助理教授)
圖博人在1959年流亡後,很快就面臨到陌生疾病侵襲與醫寮資源匱乏的問題。由於南亞次大陸的氣候與飲食同西藏高原截然不同,不論哪個時代,流亡圖博人初抵印度時都難免適應衝擊而生病的高風險,包括熱衰竭、嚴重消化道疾病與極為普及的皮膚病等。 1961年,流亡圖博醫藥(Sowa-Rigpa,即「藏醫」)醫師益西旦增在達蘭薩拉(Dharamshala)首開小型診所,開始用當地可取得的藥材為流亡圖博人治病,1964年開始有藏醫師生產、流通藏藥,讓更多圖博安置區能開設藏醫診所。流亡政府隨後復建拉薩原有的「門孜康」( Mentsikhang,即「圖博醫藥曆算學院」),於每個圖博安置區建立據點,形成密佈的社區醫療網絡。初期醫藥費全免,後亦僅酌收藥品材料費與維持人員、行政的費用。 流亡圖博人的醫療資源近用經驗為何?在他們的就醫經驗中,圖博醫藥(門孜康與私醫診所)與印度醫療(阿育吠陀與西醫)分別如何提供協助?圖博醫藥體系又是如何得以在收容國印度施行乃至發展?本文欲以歷史檔案文獻與流亡者生命史訪談兩方法,分別從巨觀的政經結構脈絡下流亡醫療發展,以及微觀的個人生病醫療經驗,試圖理解流亡圖博在身心離土、社政空懸的處境下,重新安身的第一步——疾病與醫療。
18:00 – 18:15 Panel 3 Open-floor Discussion 現場問題與討論
18:15-18:30 Closing Remark
*Presentations in Mandarin 報告語言為中文
【Conference Regulation】議事規則
1. Each presenter is allotted 20 minutes. Please show up 15 minutes before your panel begins. If this is impossible for you, please show up 10 minutes before your presentation.
During your presentation, you are requested to share your slides.
The first 15 minutes before each panel is reserved for technical testing. Presenters are requested to be online for testing at the following times:
Panel 1 Presenter Technical Test Time: 09:30-09:45
Panel 2 Presenter Technical Test Time: 13:45-14:00
Panel 3 Presenter Technical Test Time: 16:15-16:30
2. Discussants are given 10 minutes to respond and are requested to be online before the session begins. Discussants are strongly advised to go online 15 minutes prior to the panel to test their presentation slides or audio-visual materials, if any.
3. Open-floor discussion: Public audience may either unmute themselves or type their questions or responses in the chatbox. Each speaker should raise their hands on Zoom and wait to be called by the moderator before unmuting. Please state your name and affiliation before responding and keep it under 2 minutes.
4. Time control during the agenda will be managed by CJD members. Bell reminders will be given at “3 minutes,” “1 minute,” and “time’s up.”