Interflow: Screening Series on Urban Frontier
神明在地 Myths of the Lost Land
時間 Time: Oct 27, 2024 (Sun), 13:00-17:00
地點 Venue: 剝皮寮視聽室 Bopiliao Movie Theater
(台北市萬華區康定路173巷 Ln. 173, Kangding Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)
放映影片 Full-length Screening of Selected Films
1.李文漫遊東湖 Li Wen at East Lake (2015) (導演 Director:李珞 Luo Li;中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles) [中國獨立影像展評委會獎 Jury Award at China Independent Film Festival]
2.空城前的相信 Belief before the Deserted City (2023) (導演 Director:空城現場 Delayed Takeoff from Taoyuan;中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles)
導演出席映後座談 Q&A with directors: 李珞 Luo Li x 空城現場 Delayed Takeoff from Taoyuan
* 即時中翻英口譯 simultaneous Mandarin-English interpretation
Event Report Here
陸上行舟 Portage
時間 Time: Nov 3, 2024 (Sun), 14:00-17:30
地點 Venue: 現流冊店 hiān-lâu tsheh-tiàm
(台北市大同區重慶北路二段70巷15號一樓 1F, No.15, Ln. 70, Section 2, Chongqing North Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)
影片選映 Selective Screenings of Selected Films
1. 路上行舟 Go to Street with Boat towards Coop (2022)
2.造舟、問石,祭(記)海口 Remembering Haikou by Reperforming (2024) (導演 Director:空城現場 Delayed Takeoff from Taoyuan)
講者 Speakers: 子杰 June Lee x 空城現場 Delayed Takeoff from Taoyuan
* 即時中英口譯 simultaneous Mandarin-English interpretation
* 現場將展示小誌 Zine exhibition on site
主辦單位 Organizers
- 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心 International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
協辦單位 Co-organizers
- 衝突、正義、解殖:21世紀轉型中的亞洲 Conflict, Justice, Decolonization 2.0: Asia in Transition in the 21st Century
- 散颼颼 Saansausau
Registration details
- 實體活動 In-person only
- 由於場地限制,每場人數上限約25人,請觀眾務必填寫表單,放映活動將優先讓提前報名的觀眾進場。Please register to reserve a seat as each event only allows up to 25 participants.
- Fill in THIS FORM to register
- For more information, download our brochure (放映手冊)