Of interregnum and the formation of Malaysian Subaltern Counterpublics (論「空位期」(interregnum) 及馬來西亞「底層民眾對抗領域」(Subaltern Counterpublics) 的形成)

Article by Zikri Rahman. Abstract: The essay focuses on to denote comparative moments of the Gramscian notion of interregnum within multiple contexts of the democratization process in Malaysia and its speculative Subaltern Counterpublics potentialities. By situating the writing on contemporary Malaysia politics starting from the post-Reformasi 98’ era, it does […]

Strong State and Free market: Systematic Abuse on Malaysia’s Foreign Workers (對馬來西亞外籍工人受系統性虐待的概述)

Article by Raymond Jian-Xing Lim (岑建興). Abstract: According to Malaysia Home Ministry statistics until 30 June 2017, there are currently 1,781,598 registered foreign workers mainly from Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India, which most of them are working in manufacturing, services, construction, and agriculture industries. These statistics show that Malaysia is highly […]

The “human” right of migrant workers: Equality in post-Westphalian era — An example of Lesbian Factory(T婆工廠) (移工的「人」權,邁向後威斯特伐利亞時代的平等爭議 :以T婆工廠為例)

Article by Shih-Chun Lin. 簡介:本文試圖以T婆工廠為範例來講述「移工」在凱恩斯─威斯特伐利亞架構下所承受的不公正以及可能解決的辦法。移工所受到的不公平通常以「平等」與「身分」之間的關係來呈現。面對這種暴力,希望利用Giorgio Agamben、Nancy Fraser、Foucault…等人的概念來試著將問題清楚的呈現並提出對應之道。事實上,已很概括的方式來看,這三位學者的思考有一個共通點 :典範轉移(paradigm shift)。Foucault對「瘋狂」(madness)的分析,就是一個很典型的典範轉移的問題 :對科學接受的「區分假設」的拒絕。Agamben對例外狀態(state of exception)、暴力的分析,Nancy Fraser對肯定(affirmation)與改造(transformation)方案的區分,通通都是對準這個典範轉移而來,試圖用另一種帶來「平等」的「差異」來代替原有的「假設區分」,或許這極為類似Karl Marx所討論的 「無階級社會」的問題。當然這裡有兩個問題是需要被釐清 :身分是否為另類的勞動力,無階級社會中「差異」的問題。然而由於篇幅及能力的不足,本文就直接從「身份剝削」這個「假設」出發,探討在移工這個現象中帶來「平等」的「差異」與「假設區分」之間的問題。   Introduction This article attempts to use the Lesbian Factory as an example to describe the unequal condition of migrant workers in the “Keynesian-Westphalian frame”. The unequal condition of migrant workers is often expressed in terms of the relationship […]

Challenges for the European Union and ASEAN: the problematic of the community of citizens (歐盟與東盟的挑戰: 公民共同體的問題意識)

Article by Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado. Abstract: Since the economic crisis and the implementation of austerity measures under the “There Is No Alternative” neoliberalist mantra, many European nations saw a devaluation of their welfare state and many European citizens experiencing a progressive precarization of their socio-economic situation. Such communities suffered a […]