Name |
Fernan Talamayan |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS |
Email |
ftalamayan.c@nycu.edu.tw |
Research Interests |
Digital sociology, media history, populism, historical revisionism, indigenous peoples |

Name |
Jonathan Parhusip |
Department |
Ph.D Student, SRCS |
Email |
jparhusip.hs09@nycu.edu.tw |
Research Inerest |
Border studies, Inter-Asia migration studies, third world studies |
Name |
Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS |
Email |
juanalbertocasado@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Populism, nationalism, independence movements, social media and politics, culture of peace |
Name |
Nguyen Thi Trang |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS candidate |
Email |
nguyenthitrang91tq@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Colonialism, Indochina, governmentality, logistics, biopolitics, labor, and migration |
Name |
Feeza Vasudeva |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS |
Email |
fizavasudeva@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Episodes of lynching against particular communities (Muslims and Dalits) in India and how these exemplify crises of democracy, relationship between collective violence and democracy and state-society relations |
Name |
Jenny Zheng |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS student |
Email |
jennyzheng216@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Social media and resistance in mainland China; popular culture and public space of Taiwan; digital authoritarianism |
Name |
Hazem Almassry |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS candidate |
Email |
hazem68@hotmail.com |
Research Interests |
Social justice and social movements |
Name |
Poonam Sharma |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS |
Email |
punnu16@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Migration studies in Asia, Border politics, Unequal citizens and citizenship rights, contemporary thoughts and practices, Critical Theory, Postcolonial Studies, gender inequality in India, social and religious issues. |
Name |
Stanislas Lukusa Mufula |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS student |
Email |
hesta01@yahoo.fr |
Research Interests |
Sino-Africa power relationship in BRI project, neo imperialism, neo-dependency, democracy, decolonization, re-invention, equality and inequality, distribution of sensible and people first |
Name |
Monika Verma |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS candidate |
Email |
moniletit@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Migration studies, refugee studies, border politics, International
Relations, defense and strategic studies, unequal citizenship and human rights |
Name |
Lin Shih Chun |
Department |
Ph.D. SRCS student |
Email |
maumauchun@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Modernity, the philosophy and history of colonization, the Baihua movement in China and the violence of Frantz Fanon |
Name |
Lemaitre Agathe |
Department |
Ph.D. candidate (Indigenous Department, National Dong Hwa University) |
Email |
agathe.lemaitre@yahoo.fr |
Research Interests |
Relationship between human and animals; wildlife management and the issue of species extinction |
Name |
John Lee P. Candelaria |
Department |
Ph.D. candidate (Hiroshima University) |
Email |
jpcandelaria@hiroshima-u.ac.jp |
Research Interests |
Southeast Asian Studies, International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Heritage Studies, Philippine History and Politics |
Name |
WANG Min-Erh |
Department |
Ph.D. student (Faculty of Music, University of Oxford) |
Email |
cellosamwang@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Cold War music history, global music history, postcolonialism |
Name |
YIN Shuhong |
Department |
Ph.D. candidate (University of Chinese Academy of Social Science) |
Email |
1241757979@qq.com |
Research Interests |
Taiwanese intellectuals in 1970s-1980s America |
Name |
Dr Pallavi Narayan |
Department |
Independent Researcher, PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Email |
pallavi23@yahoo.com |
Research Interests |
Fiction and the City, Urban Architecture, Museum Studies, Contemporary Literature, Postmodernism, Representation of Art in Literature |
Name |
KIM Jeong-a |
Department |
Lecturer (Philo Academy, Seoul, South Korea) |
Email |
bellajeonga@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Foucault, North Korea |
Name |
Piotr Pawel Skora |
Department |
MA IACS student |
Email |
pedroskora12@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Game Studies, Nationalism and National Identity, Narratology, Literature |
Name |
LIU Jiaxin |
Department |
MA student (City University of Hong Kong) |
Email |
jxliu29-c@my.cityu.edu.hk |
Research Interests |
Chinese language and literature, film studies, pop culture (Japanese cute culture) |
Name |
CHUANG Yuan-Hsun |
Department |
Assistant Professor (China University of Technology) |
Email |
y.h.chuang@cute.edu.tw |
Research Interests |
Semiotics, cultural studies (films, modern arts), visual communication design and cultural curation |
Name |
JIANG Anqi |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
doxa2018.srcs06g@nctu.edu.tw |
Research Interests |
Postwar history of Taiwan, STS, governmentality |
Name |
CHEN Weisyun |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
floydnumb5@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Cultural state theory, cultural anthropology, critical theory, mass media |
Name |
CHU Chia-Chen |
Department |
MA student (National Taiwan University) |
Email |
r07322018@ntu.edu.tw |
Research Interests |
Modern Political Philosophy |
Name |
LEE Cheng Hoe |
Department |
MA student (National Taiwan University) |
Email |
langxici@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Ethnic politics and political parties in Malaysia |
Name |
Noorah Fazal Jukaku |
Department |
MA IACS student |
Email |
noora.jukaku@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Vigilantism, religious fanaticism, Orientalism, Islamic law |
Name |
Hadeel Natsheh |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
Hadeelnatsheh28@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Unequel citizens and citizenship, gender, border politics, education and learning, life course |
Name |
Ip Po Yee |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
ippoyeelol@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Literature, film and media studies, art and cultural activism, social movements, intellectual history |
Name |
Christine Chow |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
iesofcmk@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Literature, film studies, social justice, land movements |
Name |
Duong Thuy Pham |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
duongpham.alexandra@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Gender equity, LGBT rights, diasporic feminism, civil society in Vietnam |
Name |
Hanne Van Regemortel |
Department |
MA IACS student |
Email |
hanne07@hotmail.be |
Research Interests |
Migration, refugees, discrimination, minorities, radicalization, decolonization |
Name |
Zikri Rahman |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
zikrirahman.90@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Social movements, history of ideas, contemporary thoughts, critical theory, subaltern studies, postcolonial studies, critical geography, socio-cultural practices, education |
Name |
Beh Zhao Yen |
Department |
MA SRCS student |
Email |
zyen93311@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Freedom of media and expression in Malaysia |
Name |
Lim Jian Xing (Raymond) |
Department |
MA IACS student |
Email |
raymond4rock@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Migration, Indie/underground music scene, cultural movements, Social Movement, Ethnic/National Identity |
Name |
Lee Chun Fung |
Department |
MA IACS student |
Email |
iamlooking@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
Art and cultural activism, critical urban practice, urban neighbourhood movement, autonomous self-organization, social economy, dialogical aesthetics, inter-local knowledge production, social curating |
Ming Hu(胡明) |
Ph.D. SRCS student |
shine.huming@gmail.com |
Postwar history, Cold war, Study of women and gender |
Name |
Taniah Mahmuda Tinni |
Affiliation |
MPhil Student at (University of Rajshahi) |
Email |
taniahtinni@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
religious branding, Banglades, Capitalism, New Marxism, Muslim Consumers |
Name |
Shafinur Nahar |
Affiliation |
PhD student (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) |
Email |
shafinurnahar@gmail.com |
Research Interests |
religious branding, Banglades, Capitalism, New Marxism, Muslim Consumers |