News and Commentary

HK01【香港01(Chinese) provides future leaders with the intelligence, technology, human expertise, and the career development platform they need to revolutionize the Internet industry in Hong Kong. It invites people to join hands to break new ground in the digital world for now and the future.

Balkan Insight (English) is a website of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network that covers politics, business and society in Southern and Eastern Europe.

The American Interest (English) is a bimonthly magazine focusing primarily on foreign policy, international affairs, global economics, and military matters.

ThePrint (English) is an Indian online newspaper. It covers many topics relating to politics, governance, economy, defense and others.

Globe: Lines of Thought Across Southeast Asia (English) is a member-supported media website that publishes high-quality in-depth journalism. It delivers thought-provoking stories that inspire and aims to build a more informed, inclusive and sustainable Southeast Asia.

Media Literacy for Malaysia 馬來西亞媒體識讀資源網 (Chinese) is a website that offers critical news reporting and analysis related with contemporary media issues happens in Malaysia

R.age (English) is a platform which is investigative journalism orientation, offered for often neglected voiceless community to share about contemporary issues in Malaysia.

Promethean Fire Review 燧火評論 (Chinese) is an independent forum offers alternative views, in depth analysis and concerns about public issues in Malaysia.

Talking Indonesia is based at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Talking Indonesia is an English language podcast that explores contemporary political and social issues in Indonesia.  Talking Indonesia features interviews and discussions with some of the leading scholars on Indonesia working today.