Resisting the Biopolitics of Techno-borders: Art and the Body in the Age of Digital Surveillance

Article by Serena Di Maria Abstract: This paper examines the intersection of border politics, biopolitics, and artistic intervention in the age of advanced surveillance technologies and digital control. As modern borders expand beyond physical perimeters to become complex, multidimensional networks of surveillance, they increasingly target the human body to selectively […]


East Lake and Haikou: Lingering Histories and Enduring Beliefs Article by 江亮儒 摘要: 藉《李文漫遊東湖》(2015) 和《空城前的相信》(2023),「水土不伏:都市邊界.映像對話」首場放映單元「神明在地」討論城市開發下,地方景物和人民生活歷經的變動,並從武漢與桃園兩地行動者們的拍攝、與聚落居民互動過程中,進一步深入兩地的歷史與文化。 關鍵詞:東湖藝術計畫、航空城開發案、拆遷 Abstract: In the first session of Interflow: Screening Series on Urban Frontier, “Myths of the Lost Land”, through the screening of Li Wen at East Lake (2015) and Belief before the Deserted City (2023), […]