爭奪公共空間 – 社會性藝術的政治實踐 藝術介入與社會批判: 亞際知識對話 Artistic Intervention and Social Critique: A Dialogue in the Inter-Asian Context. By Hong-Bin Zheng
爭奪公共空間-社會性藝術的政治實踐 藝術介入與社會批判:亞際知識對話
Artistic Intervention and Social Critique: A Dialogue in the Inter-Asian Context
Speaker: Zheng Hong-Bin
Date: 8th December 2017
What do you think about arts? Are they aesthetic practices? Perhaps, it may be as social movement or political practices. Any junction between aesthetic practices and political practices? Artisans, as the producer of sensible and sensibility, in the milieu of changing society, is there any special existence for them? Not only the distribution of space, but also its relationship between the audience, two subjects (arts and people) involved in the conversation what chemical reaction happens?
Zheng Hongbin currently is the curator of Xi’an Art Museum. He has worked at Guangdong Times Museum as the project coordinator. He would like to share about his experience of three art projects that he has curated and organized include: On Practice: the Instruction Nearby (2016), Promised Land: the Park Xing Qing Gong (2016), Co-production (2017), Launch of ‘Resident’ Project (2017)
藝術, 算不算藝術?也可以從這裡當作出發點, 或許會被質疑是這算是公民行動嗎? 那它有何聯繫?主題還是從藝術家出發, 作為感性和感知,‘sense’的生產者, 他們在環境的改變和社會事件上,是否有特殊性的存在呢?特別是接觸到人,那不僅僅只是空間,那會產生出怎樣的效果?主體對主體用藝術作為對話的時候,那又會產生怎樣的能動性效果?
鄭宏彬策展人,曾任廣東時代美術館 – 黃邊站的專案統籌,目前現任西安美術館策展人。他在此分享三個計畫項目,他於北京的城市邊緣空間跟藝術家調研,另外就是居民-硃砂腳的城市問題在城市圈討論,街區蹲點共同製作計畫。他主要是談及中國的大部分都在討論涉及民間話語的問題, 不管是城市跟農場,還是農場跟官方,或者是官方到民間都有言論的不對等,或者是言論傳播的不對等。